Equalities & Additional Intervention

The Equality Act 2010 underpins our work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). It lists the protected characteristics that we need to consider as age, disability, gender, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, ethnicity (race and nationality), religion and belief and sexual orientation

However, we recognise that there are other areas that we should address at Barton Hill Academy such as socio-economic disadvantage, care status (Children Looked After) and caring responsibilities (Young Carers) etc. Under the act we are required to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
  • Foster good relations between different groups

We define Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the following way:

Equality- ensuring that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed and achieve their aspirations.

We do this be addressing individual and the institutional barriers that stand in their way. We do not treat everyone the same, but respond to individual need and then take positive action to gain equality for members of groups with protected characteristics and others who have faced past discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping.

Diversity - ensuring that we celebrate difference rather than tolerate it.

We do this by creating an environment where everyone feels valued and that they belong

Inclusion- ensuring that everyone in our community can take a full part in the life of our setting

We do this by regularly reviewing the curriculum we offer, our information provision, our environment and all of our policies and practices to ensure that the barriers to participation are removed and that reasonable adjustments are made.

Barton Hill Academy believe to be successful in terms of EDI we:

  • Meet legal statutory duties with commitment from the leadership team and governors
  • Have processes in place to review policies and practices in terms of EDI
  • Take positive action to gain a workforce that reflects the local community, and ensures the on-going well-being of that workforce
  • Have a staff team trained to meet the needs of all the children
  • Have strategies in place to monitor the outcomes of our pupils from all the equality groups and to close the gaps (e.g in achievement, attendance etc)
  • Engage effectively with equality communities and involve them in decision making
  • Regularly review the curriculum and resources in relation to all protected characteristics
  • Engage effectively with the range of parents/carers and local communities and openly reference the British Values
  • Have learner voice at the heart of our EDI work


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