School Lunches

Please be advised that the cost of a school meal will increase from September 2022 to £2.50. If your child has free school meals this does not affect you.

The new Spring/Summer 2023 menu from Aspens has arrived! There are some delicious and nutritious hot meals to look forward to each day.  The new menu will start from the beginning of term 4.

As well as the vegetarian option, the meat offered daily is always traditional and halal. Depending on their dietary requirements, your child will choose which food hatch they need (or they will be guided to the correct one by a staff member).

Don't forget that you must select and pay for (if not free school meals) your childs' meals through ParentPay.

This needs to be done no later than midnight on Sunday for the following week to guarantee your booking.

The Spring/Summer 2023 menu can be viewed below:

Spring/summer menu 23

Please note, the daily pasta option is not currently available.

There is also a really useful guide for packed lunches and some healthy receipes you can find here -

Lunchbox guide - NHS